Crop Drop Set for Oct. 24th
Campus Ministry is proud to announce the up- coming Crop Drop hosted by the Society of St. Andrew, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, and University Lutheran Church and Campus Ministry. The Society of St. Andrew is a group that educates, organizes, and acts to create change and end hunger.
So, in the spirit of the Society of St. Andrew let’s get educated so we can effectively organize and act to help end hunger in our area!
Please help us work towards an end to hunger (at least for a few days) in our community. The Crop Drop will take place at ULC ( see location map ) on Saturday, Oct. 24th, from 9 a.m. until lunchtime (which will be provided by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans).
We have plenty of openings that need to be filled for our Crop Drop to be a success! About 25,000 pounds of crops will be dropped onto the parking lot for us to bag. We will have officially 45,000 lbs of white potatoes and some locally gleaned corn and cucumbers!
A variety of other churches, organizations, and on-campus groups will help, but we need your help too! There are opportunities in manual labor, in the kitchen and lunch crew, in hospitality, and others. Please see Emily Robinson or email: if you or anyone you know would be able to help out! Read more on the Crop Drop Information Sheet and download a flyer.